Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Learning the Ropes

These first several weeks of nursing school have been quite challenging. I am definitely still in the process of learning the ropes. Nursing school hit me hard with: the amount of chapters covered in one test, the lack of sleep, the realization that my social life has to be put on hold, and the tremendous need for God’s strength to keep me afloat. I feel like as first time nursing students, we tend to run ourselves dry studying for one test. At least, this is what happened to me. I wore myself out after studying non-stop for our first big test, and then by the time it was the next weekend, I had a huge struggle trying to stay focused studying for the second test. I have realized that I need to take time out to relax and re-energize! Everybody has a different thing that they can do to relax, and mine would by to catch up on sleep and hang out with friends for a little bit. I feel as though we need those moments where we can relax and then be rewarded by a more focused mind set while studying.
        Getting into the groove of nursing school is essential now because next semester is supposed to be twice the amount of work! By realizing the best ways to study now, and the best ways to handle your stress, it will pay off in the future because you will “know the ropes”. The biggest thing that will keep us going through school is God. He is our source of strength and comfort through this tough three-year journey. Making time with God a priority in nursing school will definitely be the secret ingredient to finishing strong!

This picture is such a great reminder of who God is and how he is our strength forever. I also love this picture because it shows one of the most amazing parts of his creation: The Human Heart. 

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