Monday, April 8, 2013


So, my first semester of nursing school was...


Nursing school for me was an answer to prayer. The semester started off overwhelming, it was all of the information that was given to us in the very first week. I didn't think that I would make it to the end! However, during the process, God showed me so many things about myself that I didn't know before.  For the first time in school, I actually felt that I was where I was supposed to be. With God's strength helping me, I managed to keep good grades. One of my prayers going into nursing school was that I would make more friends, as well as grow in my relationship with God. Those prayers were answered very quickly. God helped me strengthen relationships that I already had, and make many new ones as well. I was faced with a number of trials along the way, but I am in the home stretch now. I feel as if I am where the Lord wants me. Going through my first semester of nursing school has shown me that I am capable of achieving my goals of being a nurse, and that I can really do all things with Christ's strength.
My nursing friends and I out to eat dinner together. 

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